
Vocational education

​​As a Registered Training Organisation (RTO 30342), our school has a scope of registration covering the industry areas of Sport and Fitness, Construction, Manufacturing, Engineering, Business and Technology and can be accessed at the National Register on Vocational Education and Training. The school has also partnered with experienced external RTO providers to deliver additional VET programs at an Australian Quality Framework (AQF) level of a Certificate II to Diploma. 

On-Campus VET Certificate Courses delivered

  • Cert III in Fitness SIS30321​ VET: RTO Binnacle  Training #31319
  • Cert II Rural Operations AHC21216 VET: RTO RSHS #30342
  • Cert III in Business BSB30120 VET: RTO Binnacle  Training #31319
  • Construction: Cert I Construction CPC10111 & Cert II Skills  for Work and Vocational Pathways FSK20113 VET: RTO RSHS #30342
  • Engineering Excellence: Cert II  Engineering  VET: RTO RSHS #30342  & Formula Student  #41124
  • Engineering Pathways: Cert II Engineering  VET: RTO RSHS #30342
  • Cert II Hospitality  SIT20316  VET: RTO SmartSkill  #5710
  • Cert III Information and Technology ICT30120 VET: RTO RSHS #30342
  • Cert II Automotive Vocational Preparation AUR20720 VET: RTO RSHS #30342​

All students studying VET courses are required to apply for a Unique Student Identifier (USI). The USI system is a register of qualifications obtained by each student and is a useful tool for keeping track of qualifications earned over their lifetime. RTOs cannot issue a qualification unless a USI has been supplied to the school. As such, students will be required to set up a USI upon commencement of a VET course. Further information and creation of USIs can be obtained from the Unique Student Identifier (USI) Portal.

Work Experience

Work experience placements are available for senior students to assist students in their transition from school to university, training and/or work.
The benefits of work experience/ work placement to students:
• better understanding of how classroom learning is applied in the workplace
• better understanding of the work environment and what employers expect of their workers
• an opportunity to explore possible career options including non-gender stereotyped occupations
• increased maturity, confidence and self-reliance
• increased motivation to continue study and/or undertake further training. 

School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SATs)

Senior students have access to nationally recognised education and training through traineeships and/or apprenticeships (SATs) that are registered with the Department of Education. Students are engaged in paid employment and study both on the job and off the job. These students are given the opportunity to commence studies and work in their chosen field whilst still at school. The credentials are nationally recognised and students may be fast tracked into future courses.  A flexible school program allows students to effectively combine a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship (SAT) while studying for their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE).
Last reviewed 17 February 2025
Last updated 17 February 2025