At our school we see parental involvement as playing a valuable and important role in school life.
As a parent you can assist by:
Attending Parents’ and Citizens’ Association (P&C) meetings. The association meets at the school on the third Tuesday of the month at 5:30pm in the Admin Block.
Term 1: 18 February, 18 March (AGM)
Term 2: 20 May, 17 June
Term 3: 19 August, 16 September
Term 4: 21 October, 18 November
Placing your name on the tuckshop roster.
Assisting with work placement programs as an employer.
Attending parent-teacher evenings.
Ensuring that correct, neat uniforms are worn.
Keeping communication channels open with the school.
Attending special functions, for example awards’ evening.
Reading the fortnightly newsletter.
If you wish to contact the P&C please email the following addresses:
Parents and Citizens President:
Parents and Citizens Secretary:
Parents and Citizens Association: P&C Association Constitution
Parents and Citizens Membership Form: P&C Membership Form