
Senior school


​Senior Phase of Learning at Rochedale State High School​​​​​​​​​​

All students in the Senior Phase of Learning at Rochedale State High School are working towards attainment of their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) or the Queensland Certificate of Individual Attainment (QCIA – for identified students only). At Rochedale State High School, we recognise that students have diverse talents and aspirations. Whether pursuing university entrance, vocational education, or entering the workforce, we work with all senior students to equip them with the necessary skills for success within their desired pathway.

Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)

The QCE is Queensland's senior secondary schooling qualification. It is internationally recognised and provides evidence of senior schooling achievements. To receive a QCE, students must achieve the set amount of learning, at the set standard, in a set pattern while meeting literacy and numeracy requirements.


More details about the QCE can be found on Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) website which houses a suite of resources including brochures and fact sheets.

My QCE is the student portal with secure access to information related to student's senior studies. Students are able to check final subject results and download official certificates and statements when eligible. 

Pathways to QCE

The pathway to achieving a QCE begins in Year 10, where students have the opportunity to experience a broad range of subjects and experience the rigour of senior school subjects. The subjects studied in Year 10 provide students with the opportunities to meet prerequisites for the study of subjects in Years 11 and 12. All Year 10 students engage in Senior Education Training Plan (SET Plan) to develop an understanding of future pathways.

During SET Planning students will select a combination of General and Applied subjects that they will study in Years 11 & 12. All students select an English subject and a Mathematics subject. Students also select four other subjects. The selection of subjects is based upon a student's interests, abilities, Year 10 grades, pre-requisites for further study and future pathway goals. Through SET Planning students are also able to identify Vocational Education & Training that they wish to engage in through Years 11 & 12.

Senior Education Training Plan (SET)

All Year 10s undertake completion of Senior Education and Training (SET) Plans during their IDP lessons to identify interests, strengths and future goals in order to develop a plan of action to achieve their education goal and post-school pathways. The annual Careers Expo assists students with career and pathway planning. It is aimed at developing a curiosity for learning, especially in the areas that particularly interest them and those that they mightn't have realised existed yet.

Parent Information Evenings are held annually to provide pertinent information about the Senior Phase of Learning and our two senior pathways – Red (ATAR) and Blue (non-ATAR). We encourage all parents to attend these nights.

Senior Course Guide

The Rochedale State High School Senior Course Guide provides information about the pathways to QCE offered to students at Rochedale State High School, including QCE criteria, subject offerings, pathways available and prerequisites.

Vocational Education & Training (VET)

Students in Year 10 have the opportunity to engage in TAFE Trade Tasters one day a week for 10 weeks to gain insight into a variety of courses available in Years 11 & 12 at TAFE. Applications for the TAFE Trade Taster Program are emailed out to Year 10 student by our Industry Pathways Officer (IPO) during Term 1.

Students in Years 11 & 12 can undertake an external certificate qualification as part of their Senior Pathway. These include;

  • ​VET Certificate II or higher qualification through an approved provider
  • School-Based apprenticeships and traineeships (SAT)
  • Attending registered training organisation (RTO)
  • Studying a Certificate Course available at Rochedale State High School​
  • Work experience

Read more about Vocational Education & Training

​Assessment Calendars

Yr 10 - year-10-sem1-2025.pdf

Yr 11 - year-11-1102-2025.pdf​​​

Yr 12 - year-12-1102-2025.pdf​​​​​​


Related links

Digital QTAC Year 12 Guide 2024​

QCAA AARA Confidental Medical Report (required if requesting AARA for medical reasons)

QCAA AARA Confidental Student Statement (required if requesting AARA for non-medical reasons) 

One School (SET Plan)
Last reviewed 12 February 2025
Last updated 12 February 2025